Huon Valley Council Mountain Bike Destination Feasibility Study
Huon Valley Council appointed Otium to prepare a Mountain Bike Feasibility Study that explored the potential for developing successful mountain bike experiences in the Huon Valley that would drive tourism and economic activity in the region. The underlying objective of the project was to explore the development of a mountain bike destination that continued the [...]

Mareeba to Walkamin Rail Trail Feasibility Study
Mareeba Shire Council appointed Otium to investigate the feasibility of developing a section of an unused rail corridor between the Mareeba CBD and the township of Walkamin as a rail trail. The study needed to ascertain the feasibility of the trail by identifying the potential design, construction costs, whole of life costs, and management and [...]
Wangetti Trail
The Wangetti Trail is a multi-day trail for walkers and mountain bike riders that links Palm Cove to Port Douglas via 76km of trail traversing world heritage wet tropics mountain ranges which lie adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef. Originally the vision of World Trail Founder Glen Jacobs, Otium led the team to develop a [...]

Liverpool Collaboration Area Open Space Needs Assessment
The purpose of this project was to develop an evidence base for the future provision of public open space to meet the open space, sport and recreation needs of the current and future communities of the Liverpool Collaboration Area. This intensive development area will become a key CBD in the region which will see growth [...]

Miller Social Infrastructure Master Plan
The purpose of this project was to deliver an evidence-based vision and recommendations for the renewal and redevelopment of Council-owned community assets as part of the Miller Town Centre renewal master plan. Project outcomes included: Identification of urban renewal opportunities within the Miller Town Centre. Improved linkages and connectivity between residential areas and Council’s community [...]

City of Melton Soccer Strategy 2021-2031
Otium was appointed by Melton City Council to develop a Soccer Strategy to provide for the current and future participation growth of soccer in the City of Melton and strengthen the large part it plays in community life and healthy lifestyles of Melton residents. The Strategy would: Focus on the facilities and infrastructure required to [...]

Lake Macquarie Sports Strategy 2021-2031
Otium was appointed by Lake Macquarie City Council to create a Sports Strategy that would plan for and enhance the sporting experience of Lake Macquarie city residents and visitors. The Strategy was informed through detailed community and stakeholder engagement, supply and demand analysis, industry trends and best practice. Outcomes of the Sports Strategy included: 20-year [...]

Southland Regional Spaces and Places (Facilities) Strategy
Otium was appointed by Sport Southland, New Zealand, to develop a Regional Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy for the Queenstown Lakes and Central Otago Regions. The objectives of this project included: Delivery of a ‘snapshot’ of current provision of indoor and outdoor sport and recreation facilities across the region and provide a clear pathway for [...]

Honey Farm Road Sport and Recreation Park Master Plan
This project was for the development of a Master Plan for the Honey Farm Road Sport and Recreation Precinct to meet strategic sport and recreation needs to service the southern growth area of the Sunshine Coast. Otium partnered with Greenedge Design to deliver this Master Plan, with our role being needs analysis, consultation and facility [...]

Hunter Region Sports Centre Extension Building Better Regions Fund Support
Otium had previously been engaged by the Lake Macquarie City Council to undertake a business feasibility study and prepare a capital works funding strategy to identify the priority components for redevelopment and expansion of the Hunter Region Sports Centre (HRSC), a high use and operationally viable regional sport and recreation facility. The report summarised the [...]

Eungella-Finch Hatton Mountain Bike Feasibility Study
Otium was appointed by the Mackay Regional Council to prepare a Mountain Bike Strategy for development of the Mackay Region as a signature mountain biking destination, underpinned by a unique and nationally/internationally significant trail town offering based around Eungella-Finch Hatton. The focus of the study was to understand: What is required to create a nationally [...]

Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium
Otium was appointed by the Latrobe City Council to undertake a Feasibility Study to guide the future design and operations for the for the redevelopment of the Traralgon Sports Stadium. Our work included: Feasibility Study and Needs Assessment for the upgrade. Identification of the components and facilities to be included in the stadium, based on [...]

Mid-Upper Logan and Albert Rivers Canoe Trail Scoping Study
Otium was appointed by Logan City Council to undertake river assessments and feasibility scoping for the development of canoe trails to complement the existing trails in the mid to lower sections of the Logan and Albert Rivers. The project included assessment of the two rivers for feasibility of establishing canoe or paddle trails and identification [...]

Auburn Basketball Centre Redevelopment
Otium was appointed to develop a business case and economic assessment for the expansion of the Auburn Basketball Centre. The expansion of the centre would provide an accessible sport facility that supports talent identification and development pathways - from aspiring elite athletics to elite performance and mastery. The intended outcomes of the project included: Supporting [...]
Redevelopment of Tamworth Swimming Pool
Otium worked with Tamworth City Council to provide a feasibility assessment on the potential development of an aquatic park with leisure and water play at the existing Tamworth Olympic Swimming Pool site. The purpose of the proposed development is to support the aquatic and leisure needs of residents whilst providing a catalyst to support the [...]

Parakiore Recreation and Sport Centre
Following the 2011 earthquakes in Christchurch, the Christchurch Central Recovery Plan identified the need for a world-class venue and centre of sporting excellence as part of its redevelopment. Otium Planning Group was appointed by Ōtākaro (formerly the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority) to assist on various stages of planning for the facility. Our team members worked [...]
Darwin Waterfront Precinct Redevelopment
The redevelopment of the Darwin Waterfront Precinct will result in a world-class leisure and entertainment precinct which will become the new face of Darwin. Otium was appointed to prepare a Preliminary Business Case to support the Darwin Waterfront Corporation with its engagement with the Commonwealth Government in order to progress the project to a Detailed [...]
Yawa Aquatic Centre, Rosebud
Otium worked with the Mornington Peninsula Shire on numerous stages of this $50 million "state of the art recreational centre offering a range of year-round aquatic, leisure and wellness programs for people of all ages and abilities". Our roles included: Feasibility and Business Planning Advisors to design team Management option review Development of management specifications [...]