Introducing Aditi Karande
We are pleased to introduce our new Otium team member, Aditi Karande, who has joined our NSW office as a Senior Consultant. Aditi started her career as an architect, studying and working in architectural firms [...]
Koorie Academy All Stars Basketball Charity Game
Otium Planning Group is a supporter of the Koorie Academy, who deliver Deadly Sports and Culture Camps to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island children and young people led by an inspiring group of Aboriginal coaches, [...]
Darwin Waterfront Redevelopment
We congratulate the Darwin Waterfront Corporation on the release of its plan to redevelop the Darwin Waterfront precinct centred on the development of a saltwater surf wave lagoon, additional aquatic spaces, parklands, adventure playgrounds, multipurpose [...]
Trek2Health Trek On 96km Team Challenge
Our Community Partner, Trek2Health, is running the Trek On 96km Team Challenge on Sunday, 27 March 2022 at the Enoggera Reservoir Circuit, The Gap, Brisbane. Trek On 96km is a team challenge in remembrance of [...]
Toowoomba Region Sports Precinct
Congratulations to the Toowoomba Regional Council on the progression of the very exciting Toowoomba Region Sports Precinct project. Otium Planning Group has been the lead consultant throughout the project, and together with our project partners [...]
OPG to deliver Leisure and Recreation Planners Course
Our WA team of Dave Lanfear and Wayne Stuart recently won the contract to partner with Parks and Leisure Australia (WA) to develop and deliver its Leisure and Recreation Planners Course. The course curriculum and [...]
Mildura Sporting Precinct Opening
The Mildura Sporting Precinct (formerly known as the Mildura South Regional Sporting Precinct) was officially opened on Friday, 10 December 2021. The opening now sees Stage One facilities operational, including a six-court indoor stadium with [...]
City of Melville Tennis Strategy
We are currently working with the City of Melville on a Tennis Strategy, which will guide the current and future provision of the City’s tennis facilities and infrastructure over the next 20 years. The City [...]
Ensuring the right legacy for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Otium Planning Group Director Jason Leslie has contributed an article to the current issue of the Australasian Leisure Management Magazine on the importance of maximising legacy outcomes for the post-Games use of facilities built for [...]
Funding Success for Hunter Region Sports Centre Expansion
We congratulate Lake Macquarie City Council on their success in securing $10M through the Building Better Regions Fund for the Hunter Region Sports Centre Expansion project. Otium Planning Group has more than four years project [...]