Medium Alternate

Medium Alternate2020-04-22T01:22:34+00:00
607, 2020

Public open space is no magic pudding! Lessons from the “Coronacise” phenomenon

By |July 6th, 2020|Categories: News|Comments Off on Public open space is no magic pudding! Lessons from the “Coronacise” phenomenon

Imagine you have been working from home for the last three days and your computer screen is burned into the back of your retina.  It was great at first, but [...]

1606, 2020

Aquatic and Leisure Projects Stimulating Local Communities Active & Healthy Lifestyles

By |June 16th, 2020|Categories: News|Comments Off on Aquatic and Leisure Projects Stimulating Local Communities Active & Healthy Lifestyles

Many councils have recently invested in aquatic & leisure centre feasibility studies and have now progressed to detailed design and construction. These significant community facilities will stimulate social, health and [...]

1006, 2020

Otium Planning Group appoints new Facility Advisory Senior Consultant

By |June 10th, 2020|Categories: News|Comments Off on Otium Planning Group appoints new Facility Advisory Senior Consultant

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Malcolm Kuhn as a Senior Consultant to our Facility Planning, Business and Management Advisory Division. Malcolm has over 27 years’ experience across [...]

106, 2020

Victorian Community Sports Infrastructure Stimulus Program

By |June 1st, 2020|Categories: News|Comments Off on Victorian Community Sports Infrastructure Stimulus Program

Otium Planning Group (OPG) would like to commend the Victorian State Government in its recent funding initiative as part of the COVID-19 stimulus program. As Kate Maddock, Managing Director of [...]

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